Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This month for me is the month for portraits. After taking inventory of all the photographs I have taken, I realized candid portraits were one of the things I was lacking besides photos of one of the largest cities in world, New York, my hometown.

Editorials are difficult, sure. Having an idea and executing the idea to perfection is not easy, but neither is taking amazing photographs of people in their natural environment. Cooking dinner, doing laundry, sewing costumes, shaving, creating cards, etc. All things that seem pretty mundane to us all, but in the mediocrity comes familiarity. We can relate and therefore can feel more connected to that person or portrait. Editorials are meant as a selling point and they could be selling anything from a beauty product to a dress to a dream.

Another thing I am focusing on this month is updating my CV for photography and learning french. My CV has greatly changed since I first put it together a year ago (I think it was a year ago, haha).
Naturally after over a year, if you keep at something, you're bound to become more experienced. The same goes for my french.

I recently purchased the Rosetta Stone for French after working with after 9 months. My goal is to learn as much of the language as possible and then move to France for a few months to immerse myself in the language.
Not only that, but I will be looking for work there as a photographer. I would work for free if it will give me the experience of working in a field I love internationally. So if any of you know of any opportunities in any French speaking country, please shoot them my way, pretty please. =O.D