Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Open Call for Models - People, Places and Things

Hey Everyone, I
am trying to put together a series which portrays people, places and things to add to my portfolio.

If the series is done well, I will submit it into a gallery and get it reviewed.

And so, I am looking for volunteers to participate in this photo opportunity. It's open to anyone who is serious and who wants to partake in something interesting and fun.

I would need you to do the following:
  • Pick one personal item from your home
  • List three of your favorite places
  • List three of your favorite things to do and/or hobbies.
And if you can, no obligation, tell me briefly what the item means to you, if you hate it, love it, if it belonged to your grandmother, etc.

When picking an item, please do not pick the following:
Dolls, Action Figures, Cell Phones, Laptops and iPods
If you, however, have one of the items you would really like to use, please let me know.

You may or may not be in the photograph depending on the item and location.
If you do not want to be in the photograph at all, please let me know in advance so that I can possibly make arrangements.

You don't need to be a model or have experience as one and you wouldn't need to wear anything that you normally wouldn't wear.

The goal is just to show people, as they are, with items of importance to them, in an artistic way.

So please let me know if you are interested in participating.
Thank you.

-Louisa Garcia
LaGata Photography

Monday, August 10, 2009

Same Sex Marriage - Separation between Church & State of Happiness

Separation between Church and State of Happiness
© Louisa Garcia 2009

Separation between Church and State of Happiness
When I first proposed the idea for this controversial shoot to friends and family, I got a lot of looks, a few criticisms and at least two handfuls of support. One friend told me I would have to watch my back. That it was the kind of shoot that would literally get me shot. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "So be it. It needs to be done."

The inspiration for this shoot derived from several articles I read pertaining to same sex marriage and whether or not it should be approved by the government. The articles focused on one particular senator and reverend from the Bronx who rallied the Hispanic community against gay marriage in the name of religion.

This kind of rally, in the name of God, seemed very reminiscent of the early 1960's when black and white could not marry. It was unlawful and ungodly until the justices of the supreme court deemed it otherwise. It is, unfortunately, a union that is still frowned upon, but nonetheless, it is widely accepted.

Now myself, being heterosexual and a young Hispanic, I felt someone from our community should speak up. Not all of us are against gay marriage. We are the "live and let live" generation. As for our government, religion has no place there. As the constitution states, church and state are to be kept separate. Why should anyone living under our constitution be denied the right to marry freely and devoid from any church influences? Homosexuals aren't asking to be married by the church, they are asking to be married by the state.

In this photograph, a lot can be interpreted, but the underlining tone is injustice and in it, a weighted opinion. I hope the viewer can look passed the seemingly violent photo to the bigger message.

And I welcome any criticism and thoughts.

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To view more photographs

Friday, August 7, 2009

Artist Statement

A person, a camera and a subject. This is a photographer. A person not afraid to lose seconds of his/her life with every click of the shutter in order to capture a moment in time. Sounds cheesy? In my experience I have found that statement to be true. On countless occasions I have excused myself from a scenario just so I could take a picture of it. I find that in stealing that moment I am somehow connected to it and for each photo I take from the world I leave a piece of me in its place. Trying to encompass everything that an eye can capture is the folly of the photographer. It's almost unfair to have so much to weave with so little thread. Instead I hope to evoke reactions with my photographs. Whether they inspire or disgust or please is not for me to decide, as an artist I'm only trying to light a fire under an audience.

In my directorial photo shoots, I aim to be unconventional but very much conceptual. The majority of my work is incited by inequality and prejudices of the world. Dominance and submission are two key elements that are consistent in my photographs. One thing I've tried to do is turn figurative ideas into poignant and graspable works. Something an audience can identify with even if only empathetically and not directly. I don't expect everyone to feel the same, but I do expect an opinion. The enemy of the artist is an audience with no opinion about their art whatsoever. If my ideas come to fruition and it strikes a chord with an individual, then I've succeeded as an artist.

Photography has allowed me to give shape to thoughts, beliefs and emotions. It takes that which is intangible and makes it real, or perhaps is it the other way around? Where something that was once real, and captured on camera, is now intangible. This is how we are survived and become legendary, through photos. It has the power to shape things not yet seen and I hope that my pictures will one day etch themselves into memories not just my own. This is what I strive for. Me, a camera and a subject.