Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo Journal

So we were asked to keep a photo journal by our professor at ICP. I don't normally carry around my camera with my everyday because it gets cumbersome. I do snap photos in my head and so I have been carrying my third-hand EOS Rebel, yes I am a Canon girl, around taking photos of what normally I would take in my head for the past 3 days.

This first photo is my visual planner. I write things that need to get done this week as well as tack up notes, postcards, pictures and letters to inspire me. Keep me going with my goals.

This second photo is my notebook for photography class, my crackberry and the wallet I purchased in London when I was last there. These three items (and the pen too) have become essential the last week.

This photo was taken on 7th Avenue near Times Square. I found this hunched lady so interesting and I love the contrast of the young women walking by scantily dressed and the contrast of young and old.

I am a curious person by nature and curiouser when I see puddles. I love reflections! I feel like Alice peering through the looking glass seeing the world from a different perspective. Even without a camera in tow, I always try to scope out a puddle from all angles. To me, it's like a gaping hole in the ground displaying a world parallel to our own.

I liked the juxtaposition of these signs. All going different ways. And it's Fashion Avenue. Appropriate for my fashion photography class. =0.)

Anyone who lives or has visited New York City can recognize a shot like this because really it's everyday life. Our view coming up from the ground, granted sometimes it's not as delightful as this, but it's a perspective we New Yorkers know well.

Going down.

The 72nd & Broadway subway station by night. A sight I have come to know very well.

Gray's Papaya! The best hot dog in New York City. Inexpensive and grilled to perfection. Mmm....

Capitalism and Warhol in 2011.

So these have been findings for the last few days..... I will take more and keep adding.. =0.D

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